Crowcombe Church has a dedicated band of local parish ringers. We try to ring before most Sunday services and for weddings when requested. We also practice our skills on most Thursday evenings throughout the year commencing at around 7.30 pm and finishing by 9.00 pm.
Our six bells are of a great age and interest and many are very surprised at their size when they see them for the first time hanging in their huge oak frame in the tower. Crowcombe ringers are also members of the Dunster Branch of Change Ringers which in turn belongs to the Bath and Wells Diocesan Association of Change Ringers. As a local team we enjoy socialising and it is quite usual after Thursday practices to assemble at the Carew to assuage our thirst. We also have an annual outing when we visit other towers and try out their bells for a change – as well as partaking of a hearty lunch. Bellringing is good exercise, fun and can be sometimes quite mentally demanding – but do come and see and try it for yourself.
We welcome new recruits who would like to learn the ancient art of campanology and can arrange teaching sessions conveniently.
Robert Kennedy, Crowcombe Tower Captain: Contact – 07501 630934